Title | Duration | Price | |
ALMA MUSIC BOX No.07 -- ALMA MUSIC BOX alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 00:54 | |
the signals 〜くらやみのレクイエム〜 -- ミト(from クラムボン) alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 03:49 | |
Limbo -- milk(梅林太郎) alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:11 | |
#31-#40 -- 蓮沼執太 alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:55 | |
sea ice -- 伊藤ゴロー alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 03:31 | |
Waves of The Frequency -- 澤井妙治 alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:46 | |
the blossoms close at sunset -- Steve Jansen alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 08:50 | |
lost star -- 湯川潮音 alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 03:49 | |
Thoughts of Colours -- Throwing a Spoon(トウヤマタケオ×徳澤青弦) alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 03:36 | |
Chascon 5850 -- 滞空時間 alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 05:34 | |
あわい -- 高木正勝 alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 03:33 | |
alma712 -- Christian Fennesz alac,flac,wav,aac,mp3: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:21 |
地球から950 光年かなたにある「死にゆく星」から届いた音を、蓮沼執太、mito、高木正勝、クリスチャン・フェネス、スティーヴ・ジャンセンら11 組の気鋭のミュージシャンたちが楽曲化!国立天文台監修による、かつてない宇宙とアーティストのコラボレーションに注目が集まっています!
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 6, 2025 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 6 2025 (13:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 6, 2025 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 6 2025 (13:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released January 21, 2025 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded January 21 2025 (10:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released January 21, 2025 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded January 21 2025 (10:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
2025年2月14日(金)にリリース予定の『+1P EP』からの先行リリース第一弾。 2023年末にリリースされた「one window」のインストゥルメンタルバージョンとなる今作は、オリジナルバージョンとはまた異なる印象で楽しむことができる新たなバージョン。
2025年2月14日(金)にリリース予定の『+1P EP』からの先行リリース第一弾。 2023年末にリリースされた「one window」のインストゥルメンタルバージョンとなる今作は、オリジナルバージョンとはまた異なる印象で楽しむことができる新たなバージョン。
「ディスクユニオンで知らない国のコンピレーションアルバムをジャケ買いしたら大当たりだった」をコンセプトに制作された本作。 新メンバーに鈴木雄大(trp)あだち麗三郎(sax,drms)らを迎えガムランやスティールパン といった南洋の民族音楽をベースにしつつも、hiphopやアフロビートも取り入れたカラフルな作品に仕上がっている。 オオルタイチ氏が川村亘平斎との影絵公演用に書き下ろした幻の名曲も収録。 【帯コメント】................................ 旅の意味がかわった一昨日、パスポートはフロントに預けた。 一人の部屋、目を閉じ、荷物を持たぬ自由な手で翼を真似た時、そこからはじまる滞空時間にあの日吹くはずだった風を見つけた。 マヒトゥ・ザ・ピーポー ....................... 1: Kelimutu(ケリムトゥ) 2: Apa Uleh Uleh(アッパ ウレ ウレ) 3: Umitoyoru(traditional ver)(ウミトヨル/トラディショナルバージョン) 4: Mindd(ミンド) 5: Basweh(バスウェ) 6: Majo(マジョ) 7: Walak elele 3(ワラケレレ3) 8: あべこべの花(アベコベノハナ) 9: Irienite(イリエニテ) 10: カベノムコウニオニガイテ(feat.OORUTAICHI) 11: Sihir(シヒール) 12: Majo(inst ver)(マジョ) .......................
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 23, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 23 2024 (10:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 23, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 23 2024 (10:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
湯川潮音の 2 年ぶりとなる新作アルバム「青い鳥」が今冬にリリースされる。 2022 年に発表された前作「10 の足跡」と対になるような本作は、前作と同様にセルフプロデュースという形で制作された。 小説や短歌から得た着想を横糸に、時の流れと共に彼女が見つめてきた「産まれること・生きること・去っていくこと」を縦糸に織り上げられた歌詞が、ルーツである合唱曲、宗教曲からトラディショナルソングを真伨に取り入れたオリジナルサウンドに導かれ、一つの物語として見事に昇華されている。 アレンジャーに藤原マヒト、桜井芳樹、ストリングスアレンジャーには高原久実といった彼女と長年音楽を共有し、描く世界を熟知する面々が参加している。 また、実父である湯川トーベン氏との初の共作曲も収録。 色彩豊かな楽曲群が並ぶこのアルバムは、デビューから 20 年の時を経た湯川潮音の、これまでの集大成とも言える一枚だろう。
湯川潮音の 2 年ぶりとなる新作アルバム「青い鳥」が今冬にリリースされる。 2022 年に発表された前作「10 の足跡」と対になるような本作は、前作と同様にセルフプロデュースという形で制作された。 小説や短歌から得た着想を横糸に、時の流れと共に彼女が見つめてきた「産まれること・生きること・去っていくこと」を縦糸に織り上げられた歌詞が、ルーツである合唱曲、宗教曲からトラディショナルソングを真伨に取り入れたオリジナルサウンドに導かれ、一つの物語として見事に昇華されている。 アレンジャーに藤原マヒト、桜井芳樹、ストリングスアレンジャーには高原久実といった彼女と長年音楽を共有し、描く世界を熟知する面々が参加している。 また、実父である湯川トーベン氏との初の共作曲も収録。 色彩豊かな楽曲群が並ぶこのアルバムは、デビューから 20 年の時を経た湯川潮音の、これまでの集大成とも言える一枚だろう。
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 10 2024 (11:20) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 10 2024 (11:20) Photo by Mika Takagi
高木正勝、初のプライベート・ピアノ曲集。 山の中にあるピアノとその自然豊かな光景を そのまま切り取ったかのような 穏やかで生命感に満ちた音楽。 陽光、影、雨に雷、鳥や虫に獣、風、草花や樹々、 すぐそこにある自然を招き入れて、 共に奏で合うピアノ。 付け足しもやり直しもない、 その日その場で出会ったすべてを愛おしく綴った、 日々の記録。 新しいピアノ・ミュージック 『Marginalia(マージナリア)』。 現在も進行中のシリーズより。 自然を主旋律として、ピアノは調和を。 マージナリア第6集。 山で暮らす前は 春がはじまりの季節でしたが 春は生きものたちの集大成 次のいのちに繋げ すべてが去っていく季節のように感じます その後にやってくる「初夏」が ほんとうのはじまりのような 瑞々しい緑潤いの水の季節 窓を開けて 自然と一緒に奏でる ピアノ曲集『マージナリア』第6集は そんなはじまりの時をひとところに Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. Marginalia VI Before I lived in the mountains, spring was the season of new beginnings, but now I feel spring is the finale of all living things, and like it's the season when everything leaves to connect to the next life. Then comes early summer, which is like the true beginning of the season of fresh greenery and moist water. Open the window and play the piano with nature in collection "Marginalia" Vol. 6, which captures such a time of new beginnings in one place.
高木正勝、初のプライベート・ピアノ曲集。 山の中にあるピアノとその自然豊かな光景を そのまま切り取ったかのような 穏やかで生命感に満ちた音楽。 陽光、影、雨に雷、鳥や虫に獣、風、草花や樹々、 すぐそこにある自然を招き入れて、 共に奏で合うピアノ。 付け足しもやり直しもない、 その日その場で出会ったすべてを愛おしく綴った、 日々の記録。 新しいピアノ・ミュージック 『Marginalia(マージナリア)』。 現在も進行中のシリーズより。 自然を主旋律として、ピアノは調和を。 マージナリア第6集。 山で暮らす前は 春がはじまりの季節でしたが 春は生きものたちの集大成 次のいのちに繋げ すべてが去っていく季節のように感じます その後にやってくる「初夏」が ほんとうのはじまりのような 瑞々しい緑潤いの水の季節 窓を開けて 自然と一緒に奏でる ピアノ曲集『マージナリア』第6集は そんなはじまりの時をひとところに Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. Marginalia VI Before I lived in the mountains, spring was the season of new beginnings, but now I feel spring is the finale of all living things, and like it's the season when everything leaves to connect to the next life. Then comes early summer, which is like the true beginning of the season of fresh greenery and moist water. Open the window and play the piano with nature in collection "Marginalia" Vol. 6, which captures such a time of new beginnings in one place.
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 20, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 20 2024 (16:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 20, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 20 2024 (16:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 18, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 18 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi license
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 18, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 18 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi license
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 14, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 14 2024 (15:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 14, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 14 2024 (15:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 10 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 10 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released October 18, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 17 2024 (13:10)
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released October 18, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 17 2024 (13:10)
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released October 2, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 1 2024 (19:00)
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released October 2, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 1 2024 (19:00)
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. Credit: Released September 21 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded September 21 2024 (13:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. Credit: Released September 21 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded September 21 2024 (13:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.. credits released September 9, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded September 8 2024 (22:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.. credits released September 9, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded September 8 2024 (22:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 19, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 19 2024 (9:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 19, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 19 2024 (9:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 7, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 7 2024 (9:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 7, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 7 2024 (9:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 6, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 6 2024 (16:50) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 6, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 6 2024 (16:50) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 2, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 2 2024 (17:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 2, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 2 2024 (17:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 26, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 25 2024 (4:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 26, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 25 2024 (4:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 22, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 22 2024 (14:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 22, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 22 2024 (14:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 22, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 22 2024 (4:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 22, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 22 2024 (4:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 22, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 21 2024 (17:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 22, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 21 2024 (17:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 22, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 21 2024 (17:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 22, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 21 2024 (17:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 3, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 2 2024 (17:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 3, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 2 2024 (17:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 1, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 1 2024 (13:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 1, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 1 2024 (13:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 25, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 25 2024 (9:30) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 25, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 25 2024 (9:30) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 23, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 23 2024 (4:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 23, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 23 2024 (4:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 10 2024 (10:00) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 10 2024 (10:00) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 31, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 1 2024 (4:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 31, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 1 2024 (4:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 29, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 29 2024 (10:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 29, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 29 2024 (10:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 26, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 26 2024 (16:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 26, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 26 2024 (16:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 17, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 17 2024 (19:30)
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 17, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 17 2024 (19:30)
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 16, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 16 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 16, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 16 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 6, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 6, 2024 (17:10) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 6, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 6, 2024 (17:10) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 26, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 26, 2024 (18:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 26, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 26, 2024 (18:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 19, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 19, 2024 (13:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 19, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 19, 2024 (13:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 17, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 17, 2024 (10:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 17, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 17, 2024 (10:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 7, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 7, 2024 (13:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 7, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 7, 2024 (13:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released March 30, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 30, 2024 (08:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released March 30, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 30, 2024 (08:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released March 17, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 17, 2024 (15:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released March 17, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 17, 2024 (15:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released March 1, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 1, 2024 (10:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released March 1, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 1, 2024 (10:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 24, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 24, 2024 (16:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 24, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 24, 2024 (16:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 21, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 21, 2024 (12:10) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 21, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 21, 2024 (12:10) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 10, 2023 (17:30) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 10, 2023 (17:30) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 23, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 23, 2023 (16:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 23, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 23, 2023 (16:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 20, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 20, 2023 (16:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 20, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 20, 2023 (16:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits: released October 31, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 31, 2023 (11:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits: released October 31, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 31, 2023 (11:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits: released October 30, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 30, 2023 (15:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits: released October 30, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 30, 2023 (15:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 28, 2023 (2:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 28, 2023 (2:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 3, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 2, 2023 (19:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 3, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 2, 2023 (19:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 1, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 1, 2023 (14:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released August 1, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded August 1, 2023 (14:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 21, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 21, 2023 (18:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 21, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 21, 2023 (18:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 17, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 17, 2023 (4:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 17, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 17, 2023 (4:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 13, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 13, 2023 (16:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 13, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 13, 2023 (16:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 5, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 5, 2023 (6:20) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released July 5, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded July 5, 2023 (6:20) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 16, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 16, 2023 (17:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 16, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 16, 2023 (17:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 11, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 11, 2023 (4:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released June 11, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded June 11, 2023 (4:50) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 22, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 21, 2023 (15:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released May 22, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 21, 2023 (15:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. ::: credits released May 6, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 5, 2023 (20:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. ::: credits released May 6, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded May 5, 2023 (20:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 18, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 18, 2023 (10:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 18, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 18, 2023 (10:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 6, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 5, 2023 (21:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released April 6, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded April 5, 2023 (21:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
『マージナリア V』 高木 正勝 はじめての子育て、再び窓を開けてピアノを奏でた一年の記録。 雪が踊り、川になって流れ、花が咲いて、虫や鳥が集った。 いつでも誰でも入れて、そこで何をしていてもいいような、 公園のような場に惹かれます。 'Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
『マージナリア V』 高木 正勝 はじめての子育て、再び窓を開けてピアノを奏でた一年の記録。 雪が踊り、川になって流れ、花が咲いて、虫や鳥が集った。 いつでも誰でも入れて、そこで何をしていてもいいような、 公園のような場に惹かれます。 'Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 9, 2023 (11:10) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 9, 2023 (11:10) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 4, 2023 (12:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 4, 2023 (12:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 2, 2023 (11:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded March 2, 2023 (11:40) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits : Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 24, 2023 (16:30) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits : Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 24, 2023 (16:30) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing… just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits: Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 20, 2023 (13:30) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing… just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits: Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 20, 2023 (13:30) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 7, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 7, 2023 (16:10) Photo by Mika Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released February 7, 2023 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded February 7, 2023 (16:10) Photo by Mika Takagi
These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded January 25, 2023 (17:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded January 25, 2023 (17:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 24, 2022 (16:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 24, 2022 (16:40) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
蓮沼執太のソロプロジェクトの最新作「Vanish, Memoria」リリース。 Greg Fox、石塚周太が参加したリズム・ミュージック。
蓮沼執太のソロプロジェクトの最新作「Vanish, Memoria」リリース。 Greg Fox、石塚周太が参加したリズム・ミュージック。
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 16, 2022 (9:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 16, 2022 (9:30) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi
湯川潮音のフルアルバム『10 の足跡』 これまでには無かった “セルフプロデュース “の形がとられたこの作品には、信頼するミュージシャン達とアイディアを出し合い音を重ねながら、歳月をかけて作り上げられた 10 曲を収録。 ほとんどの曲が一発録りによる弾き語りをベースに積み上げられており、ヴァイオリン、チェロ、マンドリン、バンジョー、フルート、サックス、クラリネット、 ファゴ ット、チューバ、リコーダー、ユーフォニウムといった多様な弦、管楽器によるアンサンブルが何とも美しく雄麗な世界観を彩って いる。 タイトルには “10 の人間を主人公にした物語” の意味が込められ、それぞれの曲の余韻が物語としても味わえる。ジャケットアート ワークもまた信頼する クリエーター達と共に制作されており、アルバムのコンセプトが落とし込まれた写真作品となっている。
湯川潮音のフルアルバム『10 の足跡』 これまでには無かった “セルフプロデュース “の形がとられたこの作品には、信頼するミュージシャン達とアイディアを出し合い音を重ねながら、歳月をかけて作り上げられた 10 曲を収録。 ほとんどの曲が一発録りによる弾き語りをベースに積み上げられており、ヴァイオリン、チェロ、マンドリン、バンジョー、フルート、サックス、クラリネット、 ファゴ ット、チューバ、リコーダー、ユーフォニウムといった多様な弦、管楽器によるアンサンブルが何とも美しく雄麗な世界観を彩って いる。 タイトルには “10 の人間を主人公にした物語” の意味が込められ、それぞれの曲の余韻が物語としても味わえる。ジャケットアート ワークもまた信頼する クリエーター達と共に制作されており、アルバムのコンセプトが落とし込まれた写真作品となっている。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
NHK総合【よるドラ】「きれいのくに」の音楽を担当した蓮沼執太のオリジナルスコアの発売が決定。 「きれいのくに」は劇作家の加藤拓也が脚本を手がけた全8話のオリジナル連続ドラマ。誰しもが抱える容姿へのコンプレックスにまつわるジュブナイルSFで、吉田羊、蓮佛美沙子、平原テツ、小野花梨、橋本淳、加藤ローサ、稲垣吾郎のほか、オーディションで選ばれた注目の若手俳優が出演している。 このオリジナルスコアは、蓮沼自身が手掛けた楽曲だけではなく、蓮沼執太フィルのメンバーである石塚周太、イトケン、大谷能生、尾嶋優、葛西敏彦、K-Ta、小林うてな、ゴンドウトモヒコ、斉藤亮輔、千葉広樹、手島絵里子 、三浦千明、宮地夏海が参加した、蓮沼執太フィルとしての楽曲も含まれる。さらに、U-zhaan(タブラ)や音無史哉(笙)が参加しており、幅広い楽曲群の全38曲で構成されている。電子音から生演奏のアンサンブルまで他に類を見ないオリジナルスコアとなっている。
GOOD PRICE!NHK総合【よるドラ】「きれいのくに」の音楽を担当した蓮沼執太のオリジナルスコアの発売が決定。 「きれいのくに」は劇作家の加藤拓也が脚本を手がけた全8話のオリジナル連続ドラマ。誰しもが抱える容姿へのコンプレックスにまつわるジュブナイルSFで、吉田羊、蓮佛美沙子、平原テツ、小野花梨、橋本淳、加藤ローサ、稲垣吾郎のほか、オーディションで選ばれた注目の若手俳優が出演している。 このオリジナルスコアは、蓮沼自身が手掛けた楽曲だけではなく、蓮沼執太フィルのメンバーである石塚周太、イトケン、大谷能生、尾嶋優、葛西敏彦、K-Ta、小林うてな、ゴンドウトモヒコ、斉藤亮輔、千葉広樹、手島絵里子 、三浦千明、宮地夏海が参加した、蓮沼執太フィルとしての楽曲も含まれる。さらに、U-zhaan(タブラ)や音無史哉(笙)が参加しており、幅広い楽曲群の全38曲で構成されている。電子音から生演奏のアンサンブルまで他に類を見ないオリジナルスコアとなっている。
GOOD PRICE!2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
2021年度前期放映の連続テレビ小説「おかえりモネ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック。 宮城・気仙沼湾沖の島に生まれ育ち登米で青春を過ごしたヒロインが、天気予報を通じて人々の役に立ちたいと気象予報士を目指して上京し、やがて故郷の島へ戻り予報士としての能力を活かして地域に貢献する姿を描く。安達奈緒子作。 清原果耶主演、内野聖陽、鈴木京香、永瀬廉(King & Prince)、浅野忠信、西島秀俊、今田美桜、菅原小春ら豪華キャストが出演。
These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
高木正勝 ピアノソロ・コンサート「Marginalia マージナリア」より。(たましんRISURUホール 大ホール, 東京) 2018年11月23日
高木正勝 ピアノソロ・コンサート「Marginalia マージナリア」より。(たましんRISURUホール 大ホール, 東京) 2018年11月23日
蓮沼執太、新曲。「LUMINEJAKARTA(ルミネジャカルタ)開店」&「日本 インドネシア 国交樹立60周年」の記念イベントの為に制作した楽曲「CHANCE」。Feat.ヴォーカルに中村佳穂が参加している。僕の歌プロジェクトとしては久々の新曲をリリースします。この旋律は、中村佳穂さんとのハーモニーとなり、豊かなアンサンブルが全体を包み込みます。ライブ・パフォーマンスの為の一度限りの音楽だった「チャンス」満を持してこの世に生まれました。蓮沼執太
蓮沼執太、新曲。「LUMINEJAKARTA(ルミネジャカルタ)開店」&「日本 インドネシア 国交樹立60周年」の記念イベントの為に制作した楽曲「CHANCE」。Feat.ヴォーカルに中村佳穂が参加している。僕の歌プロジェクトとしては久々の新曲をリリースします。この旋律は、中村佳穂さんとのハーモニーとなり、豊かなアンサンブルが全体を包み込みます。ライブ・パフォーマンスの為の一度限りの音楽だった「チャンス」満を持してこの世に生まれました。蓮沼執太
蓮沼執太、新曲。「LUMINEJAKARTA(ルミネジャカルタ)開店」&「日本 インドネシア 国交樹立60周年」の記念イベントの為に制作した楽曲「CHANCE」。Feat.ヴォーカルに中村佳穂が参加している。僕の歌プロジェクトとしては久々の新曲をリリースします。この旋律は、中村佳穂さんとのハーモニーとなり、豊かなアンサンブルが全体を包み込みます。ライブ・パフォーマンスの為の一度限りの音楽だった「チャンス」満を持してこの世に生まれました。蓮沼執太
蓮沼執太、新曲。「LUMINEJAKARTA(ルミネジャカルタ)開店」&「日本 インドネシア 国交樹立60周年」の記念イベントの為に制作した楽曲「CHANCE」。Feat.ヴォーカルに中村佳穂が参加している。僕の歌プロジェクトとしては久々の新曲をリリースします。この旋律は、中村佳穂さんとのハーモニーとなり、豊かなアンサンブルが全体を包み込みます。ライブ・パフォーマンスの為の一度限りの音楽だった「チャンス」満を持してこの世に生まれました。蓮沼執太
'Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
'Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
'Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
'Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing…just as it is. What you are listening now are raw, improvised piano recording where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony.
高木 正勝 (ピアノ・うた) 床 絵美 (ウポポ・うた) 郷右近 富貴子 (ウポポ・うた) 熊澤 洋子 (ヴァイオリン) きしもと タロー (笛・ブスーキ) 法橋 泰子 (ヴィオラ) 菊池 幹代 (ヴィオラ) 佐藤 直子 (パーカッション) 山田 あずさ (マリンバ・ ヴィブラフォン) 前田 剛史 (太鼓・ 鳴り物) 沢田 穣治 (コントラバス) 伊豆 牧子 (踊り) 富木 えり花 (踊り) 東野 健一 (紙芝居) 相良 育弥 (茅葺) 土取 利行 (パーカッション) 会場:ロームシアター京都 OKAZAKI LOOPS 2016
滞空時間の3年振りとなる新作3rdアルバム【ウミトヨル】は、川村亘平斎が創作した「架空の楽園・ワラケ島」に伝わる真珠の 儀式と、それにまつわる海と夜の音楽がテーマ。民族音楽の枠を押し広げるpopなアレンジ。熱帯植物のように生命力豊かに広がる荒唐無稽な言葉達。 祝祭感溢れるインドネシアの青銅打楽器・ガムランの響き。UA等のサポートでも知られるスティールパン奏者・トンチが新たに加わり、更なる音のジャング ルへと我々を誘う。混沌都市・東京で21世紀最高の楽園音楽、ついに完成!!
「HIGH RESOLUTION FESTIVAL at SPIRAL」の初日となる2016年3月11日に、サウンド&レコーディング・マガジン編集部プロデュースのもと行われた蓮沼執太の公開録音、〈Spiral Ambient〉。スパイラルホールの中央に設置されたバイノーラルマイクによって、音楽だけではなく、当日の現場の空気感や気配までもがパッケージ化された作品となった。ぜひヘッドホンを使ってお楽しみください。
「HIGH RESOLUTION FESTIVAL at SPIRAL」の初日となる2016年3月11日に、サウンド&レコーディング・マガジン編集部プロデュースのもと行われた蓮沼執太の公開録音、〈Spiral Ambient〉。スパイラルホールの中央に設置されたバイノーラルマイクによって、音楽だけではなく、当日の現場の空気感や気配までもがパッケージ化された作品となった。ぜひヘッドホンを使ってお楽しみください。
蓮沼執太、歌う。電子音楽家からキャリアをスタートさせ、空間音響作品や舞台のための音楽などを多数手がけた蓮沼執太が生み出した純然たるポップソング集。2015年の今をキャンパスに描いた10の珠玉のメロディーズ。今作の発端は、2015年4月に Billboard Live Tokyo で行われたコンサート『メロディーズ』。前年となる2014年は、春に蓮沼執太フィルとしてアルバムリリース&全国ツアーをまわり、5月からニューヨークにに渡り半年間、現地に滞在。帰国後初となる蓮沼執太のソロ公演として、ゲストヴォーカリストとして招いたイルリメ、木下美紗都、Phew、高野寛らへ宛てた新曲を含む、全曲新曲書き下ろし公演にチャレンジしました。その流れを汲んだ今作は、ゲストヴォーカリスト無し。全編、蓮沼執太が歌を担当する、初の試み。ポップソング集でありながら、一般的なシンガーソングライターとは異なったキャリアを持つ蓮沼だからこそ音響作品としても通用するようなアルバムに仕上がっています。『メロディーズ』コンサート参加バンドをベースに、フルート、ハープ、ストリングスをちりばめた、これまでのソロ諸作や蓮沼フィルとも異なる編成。ビートコンシャスでありながら、ふくよかでたおやか。歌に焦点を当てながら、無限にひろがりゆく音響空間。蓮沼執太がポップスの最前線を提示します。
Bonus!”Tai Rei Tei Rio”以来の多勢バンド編成で臨む、5年ぶりのホールワンマンコンサート。 高木正勝(Piano,Vocal, 映像)、 床絵美(ウポポ,Vocal) 熊澤洋子(Violin) 菊地幹代(Viola) 佐藤直子(Percussion) 山田あずさ(Marimba,vibraphone,Percussion) きしもとタロー(ブズーキ,Various Ethnic Flutes) 沢田穣治(ContraBass) 東京・めぐろパーシモンホール 大ホール
2014年11周年を記念しておこなわれた『11 years 11 places tour』会場選びのときからほんの少しの音響設備で 出来るだけ生音に近い曲がうまれたときの環境を味わっていただけるようなところをみつけていきました音質は時代に逆行していますがlive盤ならではの特別な演奏がたくさん詰まっています息づかいまで感じるほど生々しいofficial bootleg 耳をそばだてるようなお気持ちで愉しんでいただけたらうれしいです湯川潮音
まさにDSDの真価を発揮する、そんな音源に仕上がりました。〈DSD SHOP 2013〉とのコラボの一貫として生まれた『湯川潮音 at 大倉山記念館』。最新アルバム『濡れない音符』から「にじみ」、2010年の3rdアルバム『クレッシェンド』から「ロンリー」、この2曲に加えて、なんと、ライヴ以外ではいまはここでしか聴けない、チャーミングな新曲「お客様故障サポートセンター」を演奏しています。この音源は、できればDSDで、そしてハイレゾ音源(24bit/48kHzのWAV)で、音と音の間、その余韻も含めてじっくりと楽しんで欲しい。そんな音楽となりました。
バリアフリーなオンライン劇場「THEATRE for ALL」による実験的フェスティバ「TRANSLATION for ALL トランスレーション フォー オール」用に制作された「文明単位のラブソング」。蓮沼執太が作曲、川田十夢(AR三兄弟)が作詞した楽曲に小林幸子と鎮座DOPENESSが歌唱とラップで参加している強力な楽曲の配信が開始。日本の歴史、時代単位で聞こえてくる音を、現代から過去へむかって吟じるパレード。あらゆる表現は時間の制約に対する挑戦である。レコードが発明されて「アルバム」という単位が生まれ、ラジオが生まれると新たな単位が生まれ、現代はSNSやTikTokの隆盛期にあって、さらなる加速度的なタイム感や初動時間をベースにしたヒットが生まれている。
バリアフリーなオンライン劇場「THEATRE for ALL」による実験的フェスティバ「TRANSLATION for ALL トランスレーション フォー オール」用に制作された「文明単位のラブソング」。蓮沼執太が作曲、川田十夢(AR三兄弟)が作詞した楽曲に小林幸子と鎮座DOPENESSが歌唱とラップで参加している強力な楽曲の配信が開始。日本の歴史、時代単位で聞こえてくる音を、現代から過去へむかって吟じるパレード。あらゆる表現は時間の制約に対する挑戦である。レコードが発明されて「アルバム」という単位が生まれ、ラジオが生まれると新たな単位が生まれ、現代はSNSやTikTokの隆盛期にあって、さらなる加速度的なタイム感や初動時間をベースにしたヒットが生まれている。
world's end girlfriend 初のライブ盤。 ワンマンライブの模様を全14曲、約120分を収録。 ギター×2、バイオリン、チェロ、ベース、ドラム、VJの7人編成に加え、 ゲストには妊娠中だった湯川潮音と、 生前最初で最後のステージ共演となったdownyギタリスト青木裕を迎え、 美しい旋律と轟音、抵抗と祝福の音楽を鳴らす。 花々が入り乱れ 生と死が仲良く手を繋ぎ 音楽を奏でた特別な夜の記録です。
world's end girlfriend 初のライブ盤。 ワンマンライブの模様を全14曲、約120分を収録。 ギター×2、バイオリン、チェロ、ベース、ドラム、VJの7人編成に加え、 ゲストには妊娠中だった湯川潮音と、 生前最初で最後のステージ共演となったdownyギタリスト青木裕を迎え、 美しい旋律と轟音、抵抗と祝福の音楽を鳴らす。 花々が入り乱れ 生と死が仲良く手を繋ぎ 音楽を奏でた特別な夜の記録です。
ギター生活45周年を迎えた渡辺香津美。2年ぶりのニュー・アルバム。 ジャズ・ギタリストとして日本のジャズ界、ギター界を牽引してきたカズミが、彼と縁(えにし)の深い敬愛するギタリスト、これからを担う次世代ギタリスト達と共に、ギターアンサンブルの最小フォーマットである【DUO】をテーマにして弦を紡ぎながら、思いも新たにギターの魅力を提示します。 注目の参加プレーヤーは、70年代からの盟友、リー・リトナー、マイク・スターン、Char、押尾コータロー、SUGIZO、伊藤ゴロー、生形真一(Nothing's Carved In Stone)、三浦拓也(DEPAPEPE)、沖仁、高田漣、井上銘。 デュオによる構成が彼らの新たな魅力を引き出すと同時に、生来のインプロバイザーであるカズミ自身も、彼らに触発されたプレイで新境地に遊びます。 さらにマイルス・デイビス・グループの一員でもあったミノ・シネルのパーカッションの上で参加全ギタリストがソロを取るトラックも収録! 今回このアルバムで使われるギターはカズミの愛器、あるいはカズミのために制作されたカスタムギター達。また世界的なヴィンテージコレクションも登場します。 ギター音楽ファンはもとより、ギターという楽器の愛好家、あるいはオーディオファンも視野に入れた内容は、ミニマムにしてマキシマムな音楽表現の坩堝。 このアルバムはカズミのギターヒストリーであると同時に、連綿と続く日本のギター史の一端、「ギター・クロニクル」でもあります。 題して【ギター・イズ・ビューティフル】。すべてのギターに「指先から愛を込めて」。
原田知世のプロデュースでも知られる伊藤ゴローの映画音楽最新作。 新進気鋭の小島裕規(ex.Tokyo Recordings)も参加! 伊藤ゴロー、小島裕規によるアンビエントライクなサウンドに注目。ロック好きも注目のトラック。
2009年の3月に発売された「Spring compilation 」に続き、今回は333がリリースしてきた作品から「夏」 のイメージを感じる楽曲を10曲選曲。
「旅先でレコーディング」をテーマに。青柳拓次、高田漣、伊藤ゴロー、音楽旅人による、ハワイアルバム第2弾!「RAINBOW HAWAII」今回はハワイ島にて全曲レコーディング。3人の奏でる音は、前作にも増して、のんびりと、リラックスできる、素敵なサウンドになっています。写真、イラスト、エッセイは、ダブルフェイマスのパーカッショニストで、「共生する民話的楽園」の熱気をカラフルに伝えるペインターでもある民(Tamie)。4人の素敵なコラボレーション作品ができあがりました。
音楽より音。小さなものにこだわり続けた故・坂本龍一の晩年の音楽への追悼として集められた『Micro Ambient Music』 。自身がアーティストでもある伊達伯欣によって集められたコンピレーションアルバム。直接間接問わず、坂本と関わりや影響のあった国内外の41アーティストによる39作品が、4時間にわたり収録された。2023年ドイツ音楽評論家賞『Electronic & Experimental』部門を受賞。流すことで静寂が訪れるアンビエント・ミュージックの定義は多岐にわたる。その中でも坂本龍一が追求したものは、フィールドレコーディングやノイズなど非楽器音を多用するようになった晩年の音楽に現れている。『Micro Ambient Music』は、その時代の坂本の音楽を敬愛する音楽家たちによって紡がれた追悼作となっている。非楽器音を用いた静寂をもたらす音楽集。2024年5月29日からアナログ・配信ALを隔月リリース。本作は、Vol.2。
音楽より音。小さなものにこだわり続けた故・坂本龍一の晩年の音楽への追悼として集められた『Micro Ambient Music』 。自身がアーティストでもある伊達伯欣によって集められたコンピレーションアルバム。直接間接問わず、坂本と関わりや影響のあった国内外の41アーティストによる39作品が、4時間にわたり収録された。2023年ドイツ音楽評論家賞『Electronic & Experimental』部門を受賞。流すことで静寂が訪れるアンビエント・ミュージックの定義は多岐にわたる。その中でも坂本龍一が追求したものは、フィールドレコーディングやノイズなど非楽器音を多用するようになった晩年の音楽に現れている。『Micro Ambient Music』は、その時代の坂本の音楽を敬愛する音楽家たちによって紡がれた追悼作となっている。非楽器音を用いた静寂をもたらす音楽集。2024年5月29日からアナログ・配信ALを隔月リリース。本作は、Vol.2。
地球から950 光年かなたにある「死にゆく星」から届いた音を、蓮沼執太、mito、高木正勝、クリスチャン・フェネス、スティーヴ・ジャンセンら11 組の気鋭のミュージシャンたちが楽曲化!国立天文台監修による、かつてない宇宙とアーティストのコラボレーションに注目が集まっています!
2001年のレーベル発足以降、2012年に設立11周年目を迎えるPROGRESSIVE FOrM、歴史を築いてきた希代の名曲群によりコンパイルされた初のレーベル・ベスト盤が完成! 青木孝允の1stアルバム『SILICOM』に収録された「Kes.」、V.A.『Forma.2.03』に収録されたAmetsubのデビュー曲「Sahsanoha」等現在では流通されていない傑作曲がリマスタリングで甦る。「どれから手をつければ良いだろう?」というビギナーのリスナーにも、エレクトロニック・ミュージックのマニアにも、電子音響の歴史を語る上で一家に1枚と言える内容。今までのファンにも、これからのファンにも必ず納得して頂ける素晴らしい仕上がりになりました。リマスタリングはDaisuke Kashiwaが担当。またレーベル初期のアナログ・レコードを彷彿させる銀箔デジパック仕様とシースルーのクリア・ディスクCDによる美しい特殊アート・ワークを採用。
細田守監督の劇場6作品から珠玉の名曲をフルオーケストラの生演奏でお届けした「スタジオ地図シネマティックオーケストラ2022〜『竜とそばかすの姫』公開1周年記念〜」。(2022年8月 東京国際フォーラムにて開催) 全5,000席のチケットは即ソールドアウト、一夜限りのコンサート会場に来ることが叶わなかった多くのファンの熱い要望に応え、オムニバス形式のオーケストラコンサートの模様を余すところなく収録したスタジオ地図の世界を美しく描き出した音源が配信!
細田守監督の劇場6作品から珠玉の名曲をフルオーケストラの生演奏でお届けした「スタジオ地図シネマティックオーケストラ2022〜『竜とそばかすの姫』公開1周年記念〜」。(2022年8月 東京国際フォーラムにて開催) 全5,000席のチケットは即ソールドアウト、一夜限りのコンサート会場に来ることが叶わなかった多くのファンの熱い要望に応え、オムニバス形式のオーケストラコンサートの模様を余すところなく収録したスタジオ地図の世界を美しく描き出した音源が配信!
蓮沼執太、前作の続編的新曲「one window」配信リリース決定
蓮沼執太が、新曲”one window”を2023年12月15日(金)に配信リリースすることが決定した。 本楽曲は、ニューアルバム『unpeople』の続編といえる楽曲であり、サウンドの方向性をさらに一歩押し進めたような世界観が詰め込まれた1曲。アコース
蓮沼執太が、ニューアルバム『unpeople』を本日2023年10月6日(金)にリリースした。 本作には、制作期間5年の間、蓮沼執太自身が奏でた音、集めた音、場所や人々との記憶、記録がすべて収録されている。その音は、器楽音から非楽器と電子音、そしてフィー
湯川潮音が、父である湯川トーベンの生誕70年を祝い、2023年9月3日(日)に〈湯川潮音presents 湯川トーベン70生誕祭〉を開催することを発表した。 子供ばんど、村田和人バンド、遠藤賢司バンド、フォークロックスはじめ、多数のアーティストのサポート
蓮沼執太フィル、1日限りの展覧会〈THE FOYER〉開催
蓮沼執太フィルがニューアルバム『symphil|シンフィル』のリリースを記念して、2023年4月2日(日)東京オペラシティ コンサートホール:タケミツ メモリアルにて〈ミュージック・トゥデイ〉を開催。小山田圭吾(Cornelius)のゲスト出演に続き、オ
蓮沼執太ソロ・プロジェクトのインスト曲「Selves feat. Cornelius」リリース
蓮沼執太のソロ・プロジェクトより、最新作「Selves(セルヴズ)feat. Cornelius」が本日2023年3月24日リリースされた。 この楽曲は蓮沼の豊かなシンセサイザーのフレーズに、Cornelius によるギターが力強く絡み合うインストゥルメ
蓮沼執太、第三弾シングル「Hypha」 リリース決定
蓮沼執太によるシングルリリースプロジェクトの最新作「Hypha」(ハイファ)が10月14日(金) リリースされることが発表された。 「Hypha」は、2019年 NY ブルックリンにあるライブスペース「PUBLIC RECORDS」で行ったパフォーマンス
湯川潮音が、7年ぶりのフル・アルバム『10の足跡』を2022年9月16日(金)にリリースする。 アルバムリリースは、2015 年にリリースされた『セロファンの空』以来。長らく言葉を失っていた彼女が再び創作意欲を燃やし完成した今作品は、これまでには無かった
〈FUJI & SUN ‘22〉タイムテーブル発表、大トリは奥田民生
静岡県富士市「富士山こどもの国」で5月14日(土)、15日(日)の日程で開催されるキャンプフェス〈FUJI & SUN ‘22〉。 本日、タイムテーブルが発表された 1日目の地元富士市の富知六所浅間神社のオープニングセレモニーからスタートし、初日のヘッド
〈FUJI & SUN ‘22〉スチャダラパー、OLAibi × U-zhaan + 大友良英ら出演決定で29組が出揃う
静岡県富士市「富士山こどもの国」で5月14日(土)、15日(日)の日程で開催されるキャンプフェス〈FUJI & SUN ‘22〉。 本日、出演アーティスト最終ラインナップが発表され、29組全てのアーティストが出揃った。 今回発表されたのは、スチャダラパー
原田知世デビュー40周年記念AL『fruitful days』3/23発売決定
原田知世がデビュー40周年を記念したニュー・アルバム『fruitful days』(読み方:フルートフル・デイズ)を3月23日に発売することが分かった。 前作より約3年半ぶりとなる本作のプロデュースは、お馴染みのギタリスト/作曲家の伊藤ゴローが担当。 川
あだち麗三郎、1stアルバムをリメイク+新曲入り『風のうたが聴こえるかい? -2021-』発売
前作「アルビレオ」から約2年、あだち麗三郎がニューアルバム「風のうたが聴こえるかい? -2021-」を2021年9月8日(水)にリリースする。 本作は2009年にリリースしたファーストアルバムをリメイク、更に新曲を追加収録した作品になる。リメイクにあたっ
生涯にわたりボサノヴァを追求し続けた孤高のアーティストジョアン・ジルベルト(1931~2019)の90回目の誕生日(6月10日)に合わせて伊藤ゴローアンサンブルによるトリビュート・アルバム『アモローゾフィア ~アブストラクト・ジョアン~』が本日リリースさ
灰野敬二と蓮沼執太によるコラボライヴが5/16(日) WWW Xにて開催決定
2019年に一度だけ行われたコラボレーションの後、セッションを重ねてきた灰野敬二と蓮沼執太が満を持して東京では初となる貴重なパフォーマンスを披露。 「人が合奏する」ということは、そのひとの人生を「音」として重ね合わせること。 いまだからこそ、2人が表現す
坂本龍一の指名で大友良英がラジオ代演、J-WAVE『RADIO SAKAMOTO』
ラジオ局J-WAVE(81.3FM)で、奇数月の第一日曜日24:00~26:00に坂本龍一がお届けしている番組『RADIO SAKAMOTO』。 3月7日(日)の放送では、病気療養中の坂本龍一に代わり、音楽家・大友良英が代役を務める。 隔月で放送中の『R
京都の寺社で音楽体験〈SOUND TRIP〉第二弾に青葉市子、ユザーンなどが参加
京都にある寺社とアーティストを組み合わせ、そこでしか聴けない音楽の体験を提供する〈SOUND TRIP〉の第二弾がリリースされた。 第二弾からはそれぞれの社寺の音楽を、訪れた人だけが持ち帰られるサービスをスタートし、各所の受付で専用のQRコードを購入し(
蓮沼執太フィル・オンライン公演 #フィルAPIスパイラルのゲスト出演者決定
蓮沼執太 × J-WAVE「STAY HOME & MAKE A SOUND」プロジェクト始動
リスナーから身近にある音を募集し、 蓮沼執太が1つの曲を創るプロジェクト「STAY HOME & MAKE A SOUND PROJECT」がJ-WAVEでスタートする。 J-WAVE(81.3FM)で毎週金曜20:00~放送の『INNOVATION W
Ginza Sony Park「Park Live」蓮沼執太が自宅からライブ生配信
東京・Ginza Sony Parkで行われてきたフリーライブ〈Park Live〉シリーズのオンラインバージョンが4月22日にスタートする。今回第1回の配信には蓮沼執太が出演することが決定した。 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響で4月4日から臨時休園な
俳優・窪田正孝の写真集や Mr.Children、クラムボン、森山直太朗などのアーティスト写真を撮影してきた“ろう”の写真家・齋藤陽道(さいとうはるみち)が、自身の子育てを通して、嫌いだった「うた」に出会うまでを記録したド キュメンタリー映画『うたのはじ
原田知世が歌手としてバラード・セレクション・アルバム『Candle Lights』を10月16日(水)にリリースする。 そのアルバムに収録された新曲「冬のこもりうた」をフィーチャーしたティザー映像が公開された。 「冬のこもりうた」は、今回のバラード・セレ
先の読めないストーリー展開で大きな話題とな理、9月8日(日)に最終回を迎えた日本テレビ系・新日曜ドラマ『あなたの番です』に、田中圭と共に主演を務めた原田知世。 そんな原田が歌手としてバラード・セレクション・アルバム『Candle Lights』を10月1

今年もやってきましたOTOTOYスタッフによる個人チャート。絶妙にどんな人が本サイトを運営しているのか? そんな自己紹介もちょっとかねております。2024年は、それぞれなにを聴いてOTOTOYを作っていたのか? ということでスタッフ・チャートをお届けします…

歴史を追いかけ過去から未来、情報過多の現代社会、デジタルの海に散らばったあの名作、この名作たちをひとつにまとめる仕事人…!〈アーカイ奉行〉が今日もデジタルの乱世を治める…!'''〈アーカイ奉行〉とは…'''1.過去作の最新リマスター音源 2.これまで未配信…



蓮沼執太×佐々木敦(HEADZ)、『Spiral Ambient』をめぐる音響的対談
「HIGH RESOLUTION FESTIVAL at SPIRAL」の初日となる3月11日に、サウンド&レコーディング・マガジン編集部プロデュースのもと行われた蓮沼執太の公開録音、〈Spiral Ambient〉。スパイラルホール中央に設置されたダミー…


坂本美雨と蓮沼執太クルー、一夜限りのライヴ音源をハイレゾ配信!! ライヴ直前インタヴュー&レポート掲載
2015年1月22日、坂本美雨と蓮沼執太クルーが渋谷WWWにて行った〈Waving Flags リリースパーティ〜旗を振るよ ここにいるよ〜〉の模様を収録したライヴ音源をハイレゾ・リリース。数多くのミュージシャンが参加して制作、昨年3月にリリースにされたア…


まさにDSDの真価を発揮する、そんな音源に仕上がりました。〈DSD SHOP 2013〉とのコラボの一貫として生まれた『湯川潮音 at 大倉山記念館』。最新アルバム『濡れない音符』から「にじみ」、2010年の3rdアルバム『クレッシェンド』から「ロンリー」…

「その日わたしは その日わたしは なくても生きていけるものに 生かされていた」クラシックやトラッドに根ざしたサウンドに、やわらかいながらもはっとする言葉で歌うシンガー・ソングライター、湯川潮音が、3年ぶりのフル・アルバム『濡れない音符』をリリースした。おお…

OTOTOY独占配信! ガムランが楽しく奏でるモダンなポップ・ミュージック、滞空時間『RAINICHI 来日』リリース&インタヴュー