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永遠  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 01:01
メッセージ #1  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 00:21
ジャングル  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 02:49
孤独に水を  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 00:35
メッセージ #2  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 00:18
わたしの気持ちはわたしだけのもの  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 00:40
オアシス  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 02:01
ふたりはともだち  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 04:11
世界から忽然と存在が消える  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 02:15
あなたは愛されて育った  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 00:59
日記  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 02:53
エポック  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 02:08
失われると知っていても愛したり 死ぬとわかっていても生きるようなこと  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 01:47
なりたい自分になりたい  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 00:56
エコー  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 01:59
あたしだけ皆と違う  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 01:45
若木  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 01:44
あなたが誰を好きになってもならなくっても それは罪ではない  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 01:34
夜更けに咲く花  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 00:58
ただいるだけで  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 01:15
わたしの船はもろく小さく  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 01:07
さみしい  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 04:33
and I Love her  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 02:11
and I Love her -衛星-  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 04:40
本当にやりたいと思ったならどんなにつまんないことでもやんなさい  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 03:30
メッセージ #3  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 00:49
メッセージ #4  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 00:23
 alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 02:39
最初からやり直せたら  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 02:37
言葉が足りない  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 01:50
夜明けよ  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/96kHz 03:03
Listen the trial version of tracks by clicking the circle Total: 59:31



Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released January 21, 2025 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded January 21 2025 (10:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released January 21, 2025 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded January 21 2025 (10:00) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 23, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 23 2024 (10:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 23, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 23 2024 (10:20) Photo by Masakatsu Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 10 2024 (11:20) Photo by Mika Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released December 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded December 10 2024 (11:20) Photo by Mika Takagi

1 track

高木正勝、初のプライベート・ピアノ曲集。 山の中にあるピアノとその自然豊かな光景を そのまま切り取ったかのような 穏やかで生命感に満ちた音楽。 陽光、影、雨に雷、鳥や虫に獣、風、草花や樹々、 すぐそこにある自然を招き入れて、 共に奏で合うピアノ。 付け足しもやり直しもない、 その日その場で出会ったすべてを愛おしく綴った、 日々の記録。 新しいピアノ・ミュージック 『Marginalia(マージナリア)』。 現在も進行中のシリーズより。 自然を主旋律として、ピアノは調和を。 マージナリア第6集。
春がはじまりの季節でしたが 春は生きものたちの集大成 次のいのちに繋げ すべてが去っていく季節のように感じます その後にやってくる「初夏」が ほんとうのはじまりのような 瑞々しい緑潤いの水の季節 窓を開けて 自然と一緒に奏でる ピアノ曲集『マージナリア』第6集は そんなはじまりの時をひとところに Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. Marginalia VI Before I lived in the mountains, spring was the season of new beginnings, but now I feel spring is the finale of all living things, and like it's the season when everything leaves to connect to the next life. Then comes early summer, which is like the true beginning of the season of fresh greenery and moist water. Open the window and play the piano with nature in collection "Marginalia" Vol. 6, which captures such a time of new beginnings in one place.

13 tracks

高木正勝、初のプライベート・ピアノ曲集。 山の中にあるピアノとその自然豊かな光景を そのまま切り取ったかのような 穏やかで生命感に満ちた音楽。 陽光、影、雨に雷、鳥や虫に獣、風、草花や樹々、 すぐそこにある自然を招き入れて、 共に奏で合うピアノ。 付け足しもやり直しもない、 その日その場で出会ったすべてを愛おしく綴った、 日々の記録。 新しいピアノ・ミュージック 『Marginalia(マージナリア)』。 現在も進行中のシリーズより。 自然を主旋律として、ピアノは調和を。 マージナリア第6集。
春がはじまりの季節でしたが 春は生きものたちの集大成 次のいのちに繋げ すべてが去っていく季節のように感じます その後にやってくる「初夏」が ほんとうのはじまりのような 瑞々しい緑潤いの水の季節 窓を開けて 自然と一緒に奏でる ピアノ曲集『マージナリア』第6集は そんなはじまりの時をひとところに Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. Marginalia VI Before I lived in the mountains, spring was the season of new beginnings, but now I feel spring is the finale of all living things, and like it's the season when everything leaves to connect to the next life. Then comes early summer, which is like the true beginning of the season of fresh greenery and moist water. Open the window and play the piano with nature in collection "Marginalia" Vol. 6, which captures such a time of new beginnings in one place.

13 tracks

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 20, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 20 2024 (16:40) Photo by Mika Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 20, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 20 2024 (16:40) Photo by Mika Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 18, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 18 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi license

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 18, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 18 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi license

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 14, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 14 2024 (15:40) Photo by Mika Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 14, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 14 2024 (15:40) Photo by Mika Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 10 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released November 10, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded November 10 2024 (9:50) Photo by Mika Takagi

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released October 18, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 17 2024 (13:10)

1 track

Marginalia' Masakatsu Takagi These daily piano recordings were made in my private studio surrounded by the mountains in Hyogo, Japan. I opened all the windows to welcome the sounds of nature and played the piano without any sort of preparation : no overdubbing, no writing, no editing, no fixing... just as it is. What you are listening to now are raw, improvised piano recordings where the sounds of nature and the musical notes are recorded at the same time, in harmony without any discrimination. I love to think that nature might also listen to my piano. The nature is the melody. The piano is the harmony. credits released October 18, 2024 Piano by Masakatsu Takagi Recorded October 17 2024 (13:10)

1 track
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高木正勝、テイ・トウワらが参加のアート・ライヴ・イベント〈MEDIA AMBITION TOKYO〉開催

CG-ARTS協会主催の、新しいアート・ライヴ・イベント〈MEDIA AMBITION TOKYO(メディア・アンビション・トウキョウ)〉が六本木ヒルズで2月15日(金)から17日(日)まで開催される。ライヴには高木正勝 、テイ・トウワ、ピエール瀧(電

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エレグラ2012の最終ラインナップがついに発表! ORBITAL、NATHAN FAKEらが追加

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〈エレグラ〉出演者第2弾! 電気グルーヴら4組追加

11月23日(金・祝)に幕張メッセで開催されるダンス~エレクトロニック・ミュージック・フェス〈electraglide 2012〉の出演アーティスト第2弾が発表された。 新たにラインナップに加わったのは、電気グルーヴ、DJ KRUSH、DJ KENT



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