Title | Duration | Price | |
DISC 1 | |||
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 1. Buy, Buy, Buy! Who'll Buy? -- Harry NicollMatthew BestCorydon SingersAdrian HuttonCorydon Orchestraニュー・ロンドン少年合唱団 wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:24 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 2. Who'll Buy My Sweet Primroses? -- Harry Nicollジュリア・グッディングCorydon SingersMatthew BestCorydon OrchestraKarl Morgan Daymond wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 01:52 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 3. Cold Blows the Wind on Cotsall -- Adrian HuttonCorydon Orchestraニュー・ロンドン少年合唱団Karl Morgan DaymondMatthew BestCorydon Singers wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 01:49 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 4. Ballads! Buy My Ballads, Pretty Ballads! -- アリス・クーテCorydon OrchestraCorydon Singersウィンフォード・エヴァンズLynton AtkinsonMatthew BestPaul RobinsonJennifer Saunders wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 01:57 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 5. As I Was A-Walking One Morning in Spring -- アリス・クーテCorydon OrchestraCorydon Singersウィンフォード・エヴァンズPaul RobinsonRebecca EvansMatthew Best wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 01:38 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 6. Bless me! What's This? -- Corydon SingersMatthew Bestニール・ジェンキンスCorydon Orchestraサラ・ウォーカーアラン・オピーリチャード・ヴァン・アラン wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:07 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 7. Show Me a Richer Man in All This Town -- アラン・オピーCorydon OrchestraCorydon Singersサラ・ウォーカーニール・ジェンキンスRebecca Evansリチャード・ヴァン・アランMatthew Best wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:18 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 8. Clear the Way for the Hobby-Horse -- Corydon OrchestraCorydon Singersニュー・ロンドン少年合唱団Matthew BestJohn Pearce wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 01:24 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 9. They're Gone … My Husband That's to Be! -- Rebecca EvansMatthew BestCorydon Orchestraサラ・ウォーカー wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 00:54 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 10. Sweetheart, Life Must Be Full of Care -- Corydon Orchestraサラ・ウォーカーMatthew Best wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:06 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 11. Alone I Would Be as the Wind and as Free -- Corydon Orchestraサラ・ウォーカーRebecca EvansMatthew Best wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 01:16 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 12. Hey Day! She Will Obey -- Rebecca Evansサラ・ウォーカーMatthew BestCorydon OrchestraBONAVENTURA BOTTONE wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 00:29 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 13. Sweet Little Linnet That Longs to Be Free -- BONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon Orchestraサラ・ウォーカーRebecca EvansMatthew Best wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:49 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 14. Horse Hoofs, Thunder Down the Valleys -- BONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon Orchestraサラ・ウォーカーRebecca EvansMatthew Best wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 03:42 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 15. Mary, Mary, Come Back I Say! -- BONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon OrchestraMatthew BestRebecca Evansサラ・ウォーカー wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:23 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 16. In the Night-Time I Have Seen You Riding -- BONAVENTURA BOTTONERebecca EvansMatthew BestCorydon Orchestra wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:00 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 17. Mary! Mary! -- BONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon Orchestraサラ・ウォーカーRebecca Evansリチャード・ヴァン・アランMatthew Best wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 00:41 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 18. Who'll Fight? A Fight! Who's for a Fight? -- BONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon OrchestraCorydon Singersリチャード・ヴァン・アランMatthew Bestニュー・ロンドン少年合唱団Karl Morgan Daymond wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 01:43 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 19. Brave English lads, Lovers of Manly Sport -- Corydon OrchestraCorydon Singersニール・ジェンキンスMatthew BestKarl Morgan Daymond wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:20 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 20. Down, Down with John the Butcher -- アラン・オピーBONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon OrchestraCorydon Singersリチャード・ヴァン・アランMatthew Bestニール・ジェンキンスPaul RobinsonKarl Morgan Daymond wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:45 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 21. Alone and Friendless, on This Foreign Ground -- アラン・オピーBONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon OrchestraCorydon Singersサラ・ウォーカーMatthew Bestニール・ジェンキンスRebecca Evansリチャード・ヴァン・アランKarl Morgan Daymond wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:05 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 22. Are You Ready? Go! -- Matthew BestPaul RobinsonRebecca EvansKarl Morgan DaymondBONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon OrchestraCorydon Singersサラ・ウォーカー wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 03:08 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 23. Hugh the Drover! -- アラン・オピーBONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon Orchestraリチャード・ヴァン・アランMatthew Bestニール・ジェンキンスRebecca EvansCorydon Singers wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:24 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act I: Pt. 24. Oh, the Devil and Bonyparty -- アラン・オピーBONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon OrchestraCorydon Singersリチャード・ヴァン・アランMatthew Bestニール・ジェンキンスニュー・ロンドン少年合唱団Rebecca EvansKarl Morgan Daymond wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 01:49 | N/A |
DISC 2 | |||
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 1. Past Four o'Clock, and Dawn Is Coming -- BONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon Orchestraアラン・オピーウィンフォード・エヴァンズPaul Im ThurnMatthew BestCorydon Singers wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:06 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 2. Gaily I Go to Die -- アラン・オピーCorydon OrchestraBONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon SingersMatthew Bestウィンフォード・エヴァンズ wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:12 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 3. Hugh! My Dear One! -- Rebecca EvansMatthew BestCorydon OrchestraBONAVENTURA BOTTONE wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:12 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 4. Rise up, My Mary; Come Away -- Matthew BestCorydon OrchestraBONAVENTURA BOTTONERebecca Evans wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 04:24 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 5. Dear Sun, I Crave a Boon -- Matthew BestCorydon OrchestraRebecca Evans wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:36 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 6. O I've Been Rambling All This Night -- ニール・ジェンキンスMatthew BestCorydon SingersCorydon Orchestraサラ・ウォーカーアラン・オピーRebecca Evansリチャード・ヴァン・アランBONAVENTURA BOTTONE wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 03:48 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 7. Here, Queen Uncrowned -- サラ・ウォーカーRebecca EvansPaul Robinsonニール・ジェンキンスMatthew BestCorydon SingersCorydon OrchestraBONAVENTURA BOTTONEアラン・オピーリチャード・ヴァン・アラン wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 07:54 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 8. The Soldiers! -- BONAVENTURA BOTTONERobert Poultonリチャード・ヴァン・アランRebecca Evansニール・ジェンキンスMatthew BestCorydon Singersアラン・オピーCorydon Orchestra wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 02:37 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 9. Dropped from the Ranks on a Winter Night -- Matthew BestCorydon SingersCorydon Orchestraアラン・オピーリチャード・ヴァン・アランRebecca EvansRobert Poulton wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 03:51 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 10. Now You Are Mine! -- Rebecca EvansBONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon OrchestraMatthew Best wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 06:17 | N/A |
Vaughan Williams: Hugh the Drover, Act II: Pt. 11. Halloo! Halloo! Mary and Hugh! -- BONAVENTURA BOTTONECorydon OrchestraCorydon Singersサラ・ウォーカーRebecca Evansリチャード・ヴァン・アランMatthew Best wav,flac,alac: 16bit/44.1kHz | 05:38 | N/A |
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