2020/04/03 12:15
4月に予定されていたTHUNDERCAT来日公演は、新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19) の影響による入国制限と発行済み査証 (ビザ) の無効化処置を受け、延期・振替となることが決定した。
尚、希望者には払い戻しも行われる。 (内)
● 既にチケットをお持ちのお客様で、振替公演でのご来場をご希望のお客様は、そのままチケットをお持ちの上、当日ご来場いただけます。大切に保管していただくようお願いします。
● 本公演の延期に伴い、振替公演への来場をご希望されず、チケット代の払い戻しをご希望のお客様は、お買い求めいただいたプレイガイドにて以下の期間内に払い戻し手続きを行っていただきますようお願い申し上げます。
■e+にてご購入のお客様 http://eplus.jp/refund2/
■チケットぴあにてご購入のお客様 http://t.pia.jp/guide/refund.jsp
■ローソンチケットにてご購入のお客様 http://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/
■ビートインク / Zaikoにてご購入のお客様 https://zaiko.io/contactus?cid=26&type=customer
■SMASH friends 会員のお客さま http://eplus.jp/refund2/
スマチケを選択された方 → http://eplus.jp/refund2-f/
ご登録のLINEアカウントより「LINE TICKET」からのメッセージをご確認ください。
※お問い合わせ:LINE公式アカウント https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40lineticket_jp
ビートインク: info@beatink.com
2021/1/27(水) THE GARDEN HALL
前売¥6,800 (税込/別途1ドリンク代) ※未就学児童入場不可
主催: シブヤテレビジョン INFO: BEATINK 03 5768 1277 [www.beatink.com]
TICKET発売: 5月9日(土)より:イープラス、チケットぴあ(177-137)、ローソンチケット(73722)、BEATINK 他
2021/1/28(木) BIGCAT
前売¥6,800 (税込/別途1ドリンク代) ※未就学児童入場不可
INFO: SMASH WEST 06-6536-5569 / [http://smash-jpn.com] [http://smash-mobile.com]
TICKET発売: 5月9日(土)より:イープラス、チケットぴあ(183-835) *English available、ローソンチケット(55574)、BEATINK 他
2021/1/29(金) 名古屋 CLUB QUATTRO
前売¥6,800 (税込/別途1ドリンク代) ※未就学児童入場不可
TICKET発売: 5月9日(土)より:イープラス、チケットぴあ、ローソンチケット、LINE TICKET、クアトロ店頭、BEATINK 他
INFO:名古屋クラブクアトロ 052-264-8211 [http://www.club-quattro.com/]
Notice of Postponement and Rescheduling of
THUNDERCAT Tour of Japan
Original schedule and rescheduled dates:
4/23 (Thu) Tokyo GARDEN HALL → 2021/1/27 (Wed)
4/21 (Tue) Osaka BIGCAT → 2021/1/28 (Thu)
4/22 (Wed) Nagoya CLUB QUATTRO → 2021/1/29 (Fri)
The THUNDERCAT tour of Japan scheduled for April has had to be rescheduled due to entry restrictions imposed as a result of the spread of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and the Japanese government’s decision to invalidate previously issued visas. The original dates have now been rescheduled to the above. Currently held tickets will be valid for the rescheduled performance in each corresponding city. Please keep your ticket in a safe place as we cannot replace lost tickets.
We deeply apologise for any inconvenience caused to ticketholders who are unable to attend the rescheduled dates. Those unable to attend the new dates will be issued a refund.
For those that have tickets and can attend the rescheduled performance, please keep your ticket safe, it will be valid on the date of the rescheduled performance.
The resale of advance tickets will be from May 9, 2020 (Sat).
● Customers who cannot attend the rescheduled performances and would like a refund will need to claim the refund as follows:
[Refund period]
April 11 (Sat)-April 24 (Fri), 2020
[Refund method]
A refund will be provided at each point of purchase.
* Refunds are only possible within the above period.
* Please note that refunds will not be made at the venue on the day of the performance.
* Tickets with stubs separated cannot be refunded. Please take care of your ticket.
* Please note that we cannot honour lost tickets.
■ Customers who purchased at e+ http://eplus.jp/refund2/
■ Customers who purchased tickets at Pia http://t.pia.jp/guide/refund.jsp
■ Lawson ticket purchase customers http://l-tike.com/oc/lt/haraimodoshi/
■ Beatink / Customers who purchased at Zaiko https://zaiko.io/contactus?cid=26&type=customer
* Please inform Zaiko your ticket refund request using the above Zaiko inquiry form.
■ SMASH friends members http://eplus.jp/refund2/
People who have purchased using “Smachike” → http://eplus.jp/refund2-f/
■ Customers who purchased with LINE tickets
Refund period for customers who purchase with LINE tickets will be from April 15 (Wednesday) 10:00 to April 30 (Thursday) 23:59 2020.
Please check the message from "LINE TICKET" on your registered LINE account.
※Contact: LINE Official Account https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40lineticket_jp
*If you have any questions regarding refunds, please contact us by e-mail during the refund period: Beatink: info@beatink.com
Rescheduled Performance Information
THUNDERCAT rescheduled performances:
2021/1/27 (Wed) THE GARDEN HALL
OPEN / START 18:00
Advance sale ¥6,800 (tax included/1drink extra) *Preschool children are not permitted to enter
Organizer: Shibuya Television INFO: BEATINK 03 5768 1277 [www.beatink.com]
Tickets on sale: May 9th (Sat): Eplus, Ticket Pia(177-137), Lawson Ticket (73722), Beatink, etc.
2021/1/28 (Thu) BIGCAT
OPEN / START 18:00
Advance sale ¥6,800 (tax included/1drink extra) *Preschool children are not permitted to enter
INFO: SMASH WEST 06-6536-5569 / [http://smash-jpn.com] [http://smash-mobile.com]
Tickets on sale: May 9th (Sat): Eplus, Ticket Pia (183-835) * English available, Lawson Ticket (55574), Beatink, etc.
2021/1/29 (Fri) Nagoya CLUB QUATTRO
OPEN / START 18:00
Advance sale ¥6,800 (tax included/1drink extra) *Preschool children are not permitted to enter
Tickets on sale: May 9th (Sat): Eplus, Ticket Pia, Lawson Ticket, LINE TICKET, Quattro store, Beatink, etc.
INFO: Nagoya Club Quattro 052-264-8211 [http://www.club-quattro.com/]