How To Buy
I Only Believe In Untold Stories  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 04:59 Album Purchase Only
Your Story Mine  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 04:20 Album Purchase Only
The Unforeseen  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 04:42 Album Purchase Only
Where The Coin Fell  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 06:12 Album Purchase Only
Bled Out  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 04:29 Album Purchase Only
Us In Half  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 04:19 Album Purchase Only
A Battle Cried  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 04:54 Album Purchase Only
With All The Indifference  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 03:52 Album Purchase Only
In The Game  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 03:27 Album Purchase Only
The Signal  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 04:45 Album Purchase Only
The Transience We Borrow  alac,flac,wav,aac: 24bit/88.2kHz 04:58 Album Purchase Only
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Album Info

Exit North's second studio album continues the quartet’s appetite for exploring provocative song structures. Weaving classic elements such as piano and strings into the layered threads of the bands material. Where intimacy and atmospherics give way to powerful dynamics, animated rhythms and grooves, driving distortions and crescendos in cinematic scale. Like excavators with uncompromising autonomy, Exit North relish the exploration of every nuance and detail of the recorded performance.



Exit North's second studio album continues the quartet’s appetite for exploring provocative song structures. Weaving classic elements such as piano and strings into the layered threads of the bands material. Where intimacy and atmospherics give way to powerful dynamics, animated rhythms and grooves, driving distortions and crescendos in cinematic scale. Like excavators with uncompromising autonomy, Exit North relish the exploration of every nuance and detail of the recorded performance.

11 tracks

Exit North's second studio album continues the quartet’s appetite for exploring provocative song structures. Weaving classic elements such as piano and strings into the layered threads of the bands material. Where intimacy and atmospherics give way to powerful dynamics, animated rhythms and grooves, driving distortions and crescendos in cinematic scale. Like excavators with uncompromising autonomy, Exit North relish the exploration of every nuance and detail of the recorded performance.

11 tracks

JAPANでの活躍でも知られるスティーヴ・ジャンセンらが組んだ新しいバンドEXIT NORTH。2007年にスティーヴのソロアルバムにトーマス・フェイナーが参加したあたりから、始まった。今でも根強いファンがいるJAPAN、その音楽。そしてJAPANのレコードはどれも音がいい。EXIT NORTHのデビュー・アルバム『Book of Romance and Dust』のマスタリングは、CD、45RPMレコード、そしてついに「Nu I」でマスタリングされた11MHz DSFをここに紹介する。音楽を聴く。11MHz DSDでEXIT NORTHを聴く。 メンバー:^ トーマス・フェイナー:Lead Vocals, Trumpet, Additional Piano, Additional Guitar, Harmonium^ スティーヴ・ジャンセン: Keyboards, Drums, Percussion, Sound Design, Backing Vocals^ チャールス・ストーム: Synthesisers, Treatments, Guitars, Bass, Voices^ ウルフ・ヤンソン: Piano, Keyboards^ All music composed by Exit North Recording engineered by Charles Storm^ Mixed by Charles Storm & Exit North at Cloudchamber, Gothenburg^ Mastering by Seigen Ono at Saidera Mastering, Tokyo^

9 tracks

JAPANでの活躍でも知られるスティーヴ・ジャンセンらが組んだ新しいバンドEXIT NORTH。2007年にスティーヴのソロアルバムにトーマス・フェイナーが参加したあたりから、始まった。今でも根強いファンがいるJAPAN、その音楽。そしてJAPANのレコードはどれも音がいい。EXIT NORTHのデビュー・アルバム『Book of Romance and Dust』のマスタリングは、CD、45RPMレコード、そしてついに「Nu I」でマスタリングされた11MHz DSFをここに紹介する。音楽を聴く。11MHz DSDでEXIT NORTHを聴く。 メンバー:^ トーマス・フェイナー:Lead Vocals, Trumpet, Additional Piano, Additional Guitar, Harmonium^ スティーヴ・ジャンセン: Keyboards, Drums, Percussion, Sound Design, Backing Vocals^ チャールス・ストーム: Synthesisers, Treatments, Guitars, Bass, Voices^ ウルフ・ヤンソン: Piano, Keyboards^ All music composed by Exit North Recording engineered by Charles Storm^ Mixed by Charles Storm & Exit North at Cloudchamber, Gothenburg^ Mastering by Seigen Ono at Saidera Mastering, Tokyo^

9 tracks